See the world
through other eyes.

Provocative, challenging, entertaining.
English language drama from outwith Scotland.
Reforming in Edinburgh over 2021/22
(or as soon as possible after Covid-19)

From common wealth, uncommon riches

The English language covers the globe.Whether as the inherited legacy of British colonial rule or the more recent cultural, technological, stamp of the United States, English continues to influence and connect far-flung communities as a language of expression, repression, creation and consumption.Today, English language stories recount the unique cultures and concerns of vastly disparate people in a single, common, language. These stories hold up mirrors in which we see and hear our shared humanity reflected without translation.These stories are the common wealth of English speaking people. They are the stories we explore in our repertoire.English language drama from the world beyond our shores.

Who were Common Wealth Endeavors LLC?

Common Wealth Endeavours was a Limited Liability Company founded in Raleigh, North Carolina, to produce work from new, young, English language writers based in the countries of the Commonwealth.You can find photographs, credits and reviews of the work hereCreative contributors were paid on a fee-for-hire basis, with all CWE Cast and Crew receiving an equal payment for each production. Productions were fully licensed and contractually permitted to use the term premiere in the respective territory.Profits arising from productions went to fund new endeavours. Common Wealth was a project of Fractured Atlas, a fiscal agent for arts-based projects, enabling us to accept donations.The plan was to restart production from an Edinburgh base in 2021/2. However, because an existing UK theatre company operates under the same name, the company is being reformed as the stage arm of Scottish production company Belted Works Limited.Accordingly, this website will, eventually, be relocated to the home page and provide historical context for the new production company.Thank you for being interested in Common Wealth Endeavors. We had a great run in North Carolina and now look forward to building on that past as Belted Stage Works.The artistic director and founder of Common Wealth and Belted Works is Gregor McElvogue.

The NC production history of Common Wealth Endeavors

Scroll down for photographs, credits and reviews for the work produced in North Carolina 2013 – 2016.Photography © Alex Maness, all rights reserved.

Small and Tired by Kit Brookman

January 7th to 23rd, 2016
Common Ground Theatre, Durham NC
With Jane Holding, Justin Brent Johnson, Justin Peoples, Linh Schladweiler and Laurel UllmanDirected and designed by Gregor McElvogue
Stage Managed by McKenzie Millican
Original Music by Adam Lindquist
Lighting Design by Lawruh Lindsey
“A dreamlike vision…contemplative, often poetic dialogue … offers recognizable territory in many families’ histories, where one can feel like a weary little cog in something too big to control.”
News and Observer paywalled
“I have to recommend the latest Common Wealth Endeavors production as the company’s strongest to date. Artistic director Gregor McElvogue leads a solid quintet though Australian playwright Kit Brookman’s family drama, a surprisingly deft, contemporary retelling of the Oresteia.”
The Indy

Contractions by Mike Bartlett

February 20th to March 7th, 2015
Common Ground Theatre, Durham NC
With J Evarts and Laurel UllmanDirected by Gregor McElvogue
Stage Managed by Nick Johnson and Aidan Alguire
Sound by Shelby Hahn
Music by Adam Lindquist
Set by Cory Livengood
Lighting by Andy Parks
“Brave the cold weather to see these two thoroughly enjoyable presentations.” CONTRACTIONS is "bitterly and darkly funny....”
Triangle Arts and Entertainment
“Crisp performances by two fine actors under Gregor McElvogue's taut direction made this work a creepy speculation on the future of corporate relationships.”
The Indy

Elevator by Jess Sayer

February 20th to March 7th, 2015
Common Ground Theatre, Durham NC
First US Production
With Amanda Hahn, Susannah Hough and Mary GuthrieDirected by Gregor McElvogue
Stage Managed by Nick Johnson and Aidan Alguire
Sound by Shelby Hahn
Music by Adam Lindquist
Set by Cory Livengood
Lighting by Andy Parks
“Brave the cold weather to see these two thoroughly enjoyable presentations" ELEVATOR is a "startling and moving piece.”
Triangle Arts and Entertainment
“a work where the first and second twists aren't the last ones. Deft direction made getting stuck on an elevator a suspenseful joy ride — for the audience, at least”
The Indy

Bully Boy by Sandi Toskvig

June 12th to 22nd, 2014
Common Ground Theatre, Durham NC
With Justin Brent Johnson and Gregor McElvogueDirected by Kari Barclay
Stage Managed by Jenn Evans and Aidan Alguire
Sound by Shelby Hahn
Set by Cory Livengood
Lighting by Hillary Rosen
“Two unforgettable characters... provides just the smallest bit of hope for misguided humanity. McElvogue and Johnson share an easy, natural chemistry. Barclay’s tight direction, as well as the simple lighting and almost-bare stage keep the focus on this strong story.”
Triangle Arts and Entertainment

Many Moons by Alice Birch

November 7th to 16th, 2013
Common Ground Theatre, Durham NC
First US Production
With J Evarts, Mary Guthrie, G Scott Heath and David Sweeney.Directed by Gregor McElvogue
Stage Managed by Amanda Hahn.
Sound by Shelby Hahn.
Costumes by Chelsea Kurtzman.
Set by Cory Livengood and Gregor McElvogue
Lighting by Hillary Rozen.
“... McElvogue directs the beautifully crafted script with great delicacy and a finely calibrated sense of timing. The level of self-control achieved by the playwright and director is matched by the actors, all of whom are fully in character and leave indelible impressions on the viewer... breaks your heart while twisting your gut.”
The Indy Week
Best Sound Design, Special Achievement in Ensemble, Best Direction and Best Production
The Indy Week 2013 Review

The Innocents by Daniel Karasik

March 14th to 23rd, 2013
Common Ground Theatre, Durham NC
First US Production
With Ishai Buchbinder, Hilary Edwards, Matthew Hager, Scott Heath and Alice Rose TurnerDirected by Gregor McElvogue and Rachel Klem
Stage Managed by Karen Burns
Lighting by Rachel Klem
Set and Sound Design by Gregor McElvogue
Costumes by Cast and Crew
“The Innocents is fresh fun edgy and completely unmissable”
Triangle Arts and Entertainment
“Real chemistry on stage... a viable new voice in Triangle theater”
Broadway World

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